From the recording Life On Tape: Volume 1

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This was the BIG one, and it signals the transition from this period to the next album.

Writing began before, "The Pandemic" and continued until the end of March 2020.

The applause in the opening signals the birth of a new life.
The Sax is the first action of the new child, and the little triad motif is the message of their ancestry.
Each utterance of the sax represents the attempt to make moves in the world at different stages of development.
The second applause signals the soul coming into it's own -the third, the acknowledgement of the crowd.
The fourth is that of the ancestors, and with the reiteration of the triad motif comes the realization that the time to return is imminent.
The drums becoming more distant reflect the soul's journey back away from this earth.

Maybe it's not worth taking apart, but this is the piece I am most proud of, and feel it demonstrates in short what it is I do in the studio.
